Welcome to the Assessment and                    Testing Center

The Assessment & Testing Office provides testing services in support of our students in order to create opportunities for Student Success. 

Spring Break | March 10th - 16th 2025 | (All admin. offices will be closed Mon.– Sun.)
Cesar Chavez Holiday | March 31st 2025 | College Closed

TSI Testing Information:

The TSI Assessment is offered, primarily on a walk in basis, Monday - Friday during our normal business hours. However, there are limited appointment opportunities during the week. Saturday TSI Testing is also available, by appointment only. You can schedule your appointment by clicking the link below.

A physical ID is required to take the TSI test. It can be a drivers license, passport, high school ID, state ID. No photos of ID's can be accepted.

**Completing the TSI assessment in a timely manner is highly encouraged to continue with next steps of the registration process.**

Schedule a TSI Appointment

Due to testing hour limitations, it is recommended that students test during our walk-in testing hours Monday-Friday**

We Look Forward to Serving You!