PAC Cares – Office of Student Conduct


Safety Exit

The Alamo Colleges District is committed to providing a supportive learning environment and to fostering, safe, healthy relationships among our students.

In this effort, the Alamo Colleges District has initiated AlamoCARES, a prevention, education and support program regarding dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. 

It is our sincere hope that AlamoCARES will empower you to make well-informed decisions about life issues that affect your college years and beyond.

Within the AlamoCARES site,  you will find information on rights granted by Title IX and resources to help educate and assist you when dealing with harassment and sexual violence. Events, training, and opportunities for bringing awareness to difficult issues and creating discussion opportunities with students are available on a regular basis.

Resources for Students and Employees

Title IX Resource Guide for Students and Employees


Report concerns using one of the forms below.

Student Code of Conduct

Title IX


The Office of Student Conduct seeks to protect and foster the Palo Alto College learning environment, by upholding the college value of Respect for All.

If your situation is an emergency and you fear for your safety or the safety of others, please call the Alamo Colleges Police Department 210-485-0911.

Contact Information

Director of Student Conduct/Title IX
Fabian Carr


Student Center (SC) Room 101A


Student Conduct Officer
Alexandro Miguel Luna


Student Center (SC) Room 101B
